The Corvallis School District is governed by a seven member, elected Board of Trustees. Board members are elected for 3-year terms on a staggered rotation. School board elections are held annually on the first Tuesday in May. School board members must be residents of the Corvallis School District and serve without pay.

The Corvallis Board of Trustees meets regularly on the second Tuesday of the month at in the Corvallis High School Library. Special Presentations begin at 6 p.m. and the business portion of the meeting begins at 7 p.m. Special board meetings may be scheduled from time to time. All meetings are open to the public and require prior public notice. Montana law allows for waiving public notification only in the event of an emergency involving personal injury or property damage. Under Montana law meetings or portions of meetings may be closed to the public only when they involve matters of personal privacy or in limited instances when the board is discussing litigation strategy.

All school board meetings include an agenda item permitting public comment. Comment about individuals who have not been advised that they will be the subject of discussion, and who, therefore, have not had the opportunity to be present will not be permitted. Recognition of members of the public who wish to be heard at other points on the agenda is at the discretion of the board chair or presiding officer. By law discussion and action by trustees is limited to agenda items. Members of the public who wish to bring forward an item for discussion or action by the board should contact the Superintendent at least 7 days prior to a meeting.

Past Agendas and Minutes


In accordance with Montana Senate Bill 890, all qualified School Board meetings with enough Board members to be considered a quorum must be recorded and available to the public. The videos must be posted within a week of recording, they will not be live or available immediately as the videos must be transcoded with subtitles in accordance with ADA compliance.